[TenTec] An accessory idea for the new Omni VII

Duane - N9DG n9dg at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 21 23:11:02 EDT 2006

Comments in line below:

--- Paul <designer at quickdata.com> wrote:

> Duane,
> I've been thinking of such a remote idea with the Pegasus.
> But how do 
> you reconcile the FCC "control of remote enquipment"
> sections. I 
> though control channels had to be on 440Mhz?

I've pondered this issue in the past and have come to the
conclusion that there is no legal problems with it (though a
lawyer may argue otherwise). I think the case can be made
that the wireless Ethernet and Internet portions of the
control link(s) in this case are the equivalent of land line
based control such as dedicated telephone lines would be
(ref. 97.213(a)). I also believe that the fact that the
802.11 pieces of the control system use RF it is also
irrelevant with the following caveat:

You use the part 15 wireless networking devices in a
completely unmodified way. That is you plug it in and use it
as is and as designed. So don't be trying to modify it in any
fashion or else you will be violating its part 15

> Is remote control via 
> the internet and computer interface exempt?

While not "exempt", I do believe that it is provided for.
Again I refer to 97.213(a).


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