[TenTec] Adding 30, 17, and 12-meters to the Hercules 444

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at arrl.net
Thu Aug 24 17:33:02 EDT 2006

Wondering if anyone has the mod information for enabling these band
positions (AUX-1, AUX-2, and AUX-3) on the Hercules 444. I have had my
Hercules 444 on my Corsair II for about a year now and it is working
flawlessly so think it is time to consider activating it for all bands
(well 30-meters isn't actually necessary).


Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
ARRL Member, VE
FISTS Member 12304
Solano County

788 Chestnut Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533

kg6tt at arrl.net

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