[TenTec] Computer Control of the Orion

Lee A Crocker lee_crocker at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 27 11:58:39 EDT 2006


Sounds like your pine-ing for the next generation of
the Flex SDR radio.  Six slots so you can plug in
multiple transmitters/receivers.  Open source software
so you can write the radio interface to be just
exactly how you want it.  A built-in computer, and
since it's built on the format of a server chassis as
computers improve, will be perpetually upgradable. 
Put the radio up on a shelf or in a closet.  Oh yea
you want QSK?  This radio will be full duplex.  Back
to the days when men were men, QSK WAS QSK, and the
sheep ran scared.  

I can hear the bleating now:  but it doesn't have a
knob!!!  I can't live without my knob!!!!

You are right about N4PY's software making the Orion a
wonderful radio.  Thank God for Carl.  If the Orion
could use the SDR-1000 panadapter tuning it would be a
profound radio.  It won't ever happen though.  TT
hasn't done anything profound since the Omni-V.  They
just keep trotting out the same radio with yet a
little more tinsel and fringe on it.  Kind of reminds
me of someone that takes a Cadillac and turns it into
a pimp mobile.  Fuzzy dice errr IP address anyone?

73  W9OY

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