[TenTec] Orion no Tx, no main Rx

David Fisher ka2cyn at arrl.net
Mon Aug 28 21:15:28 EDT 2006

Martin AA6E wrote:

>I've had years of mostly happy experience with my barefoot Orion.  So 
>recently decided to install an SB-220 amp.  This one has a number of the 
>AG6K mods installed for QSK, bias cutoff, low-level keying control, 
>anti-parasitics, etc.
>I installed the amp and was able to load it up and operate CW on various 
>bands and antennas.  No sign of trouble, no RF in shack.  The amp is 
>using the Orion's Amp Key output.
>What has happened twice now, is that the Orion (1.373b5) is hung up in 
>an odd state:
>-No main Rx signal (normal noise, however).  Sub Rx is fine on same VFO 
>and same antenna input.  No change in main Rx noise with preamp or 
>attenuator settings.  Main Rx hears nothing on either antenna input or 
>on Rx ant.
>-No Tx level. (normal CW sidetone, however)  When you key the rig, the 
>Amp Key output is asserted and the panel meter goes to zero.  There is 
>no RF out.
>At first I thought I had somehow blown something in the Main Rx system 
>and was contemplating a shipment to TN.  (Though when the Tx was 
>working, I had no indication of trouble with the amp on or amp off.)
>I tried all the known Orion resets, power, master, battery, etc.  No 
>effect. Changing bands, modes, disconnecting amp control has no effect.
>But then I was fiddling with the buttons (couldn't tell you which) and 
>the Rx came back!  That was yesterday.  Today the problem has come back...
>It kind-of feels like a dead early IF or mixer stage, and I kind-of 
>remember having this experience one time a while back without the amp.
>So before starting wheels turning with TT, I thought I would ask the 
>net-mind for its wisdom.  Is this a known problem?  Can you think of 
>other tests to try?
>73 Martin AA6E
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com
I am a relatively new owner of a used Orion 565 purchased from TT. I 
experienced failure of the main receiver some days after I put the rig 
on the air. The sub receiver has been fine. The main receiver comes back 
if I power off and then back on. TT told me to send it back to them as 
its still under warranty. The rig is now in transit to TN. I will let 
you know what TT comes up with.
73, Dave KA2CYN

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