[TenTec] Ok, Off Topic, but long time no talk to folks...

M. P. Haynes k4beh at juno.com
Tue Aug 29 15:40:03 EDT 2006

Hi Dave,

The first thing I would try is a heavy wire attached to the ground pin on
your outlet.  (Get a plug at the hardware store and put a heavy wire to
the green pin and no other wires attached to the plug.  Plug this into a
spare outlet.)  This might be all you would need.  The wire snaked around
the room is a good second option!  Good luck.

K2 5061
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:10:18 -0700 (PDT) Dave Tipton <dave at lodave.org>
> I have found myself living in Southern California for the next 6 
> months.  Worse yet, in a 850 sq foot apartment.  While this is not 
> ALL bad, it does create some real issues.
>   That said...
>   I'm contemplating running a sheet metal screw straight into the 
> gutter that runs out side of my balcony.  It's about 20 feet tall, 
> connected to a 30 foot wide section.  An Inverted L sorta...
>   What would be the absolute best way to load this?  I'm on the 
> second floor.. Can't put in a real ground system.  Should I get a 35 
> foot spool of wire and try to make a counterpoise by unrolling it?  
> I can snake it around my living room.
>   Ok guys, let's hear your suggestions.
>   Thanks,
>   Dave
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