[TenTec] Orion 2 Antenna Tuner on 160M

Doug Turnbull turnbull at net1.ie
Fri Dec 1 16:47:59 EST 2006

Hi All,
   For the moment I am only using a standard G5RV at a height of 70', this
antenna as all know is designed for 80 to 10 meter operation.   I have found
that with the O2 tuner there is no problem in tuning up on 160 M and in a
recent RSGB mini 160 M contest, I worked sixteen stations in a leisurely
ninety minutes.   Each station called answered back.   Since this contest I
have used the 160 M band when 80 M skip becomes too long to maintain a
schedule with a friend in Newcastle, England.   I never thought operation on
160 M was possible with a mere 102 Foot flat top.   The SWR indication is
1.0:1 after tuning with the automatic tuner and I being conservative
normally run the rig at about 45 Watts though this may not be at all
necessary.   My point is that the Orion 2 seems to have a very good internal
tuner and I am most pleased to be operating a band known for big antennas.
Note I am not operating the G5RV against ground with centre conductor and
braid shorted - the PL259 is just screwed in as normal.

    As a side point, I have found the G5RV to be a better antenna for me
than a 40 Meter Carolina Windom Plus.   The Carolina Windom never worked as
well as a lower height sloping 20 M dipole.   The G5RV at the same higher
height as the Carolina Windom always outperforms the lower sloping 20 Meter
dipole on 20M.   The G5RV is now giving me not only 80 M but also 160 M on
which it should not be too efficient but it seems to work much better than
it should in my case.

               73 Doug EI2CN

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