[TenTec] Hopefully, my Christmas present will be ...

Grant Youngman nq5t at tx.rr.com
Wed Dec 6 11:30:05 EST 2006

 .. a working Orion II.  I think my II got mad at me for spending too much
time using the 1.373b5 Orion, and elected to punish me by refusing to power
up :-)

So the II is headed to Ten-tec for re-animation.  It was a pretty complete
failure with the only small sign of life being one relay click and the
S-meter pilot light.  No receive, no display, no indicator lights, no
nothing.  Stone cold, ready for an autopsy table, dead.

I paid UPS for 2nd Day Air, and scheduled a pickup for last night since I
didn't have the time to drive all the way to DFW airport.  It got pretty
late and although I found I had a UPS delivery sitting on the porch, there
had been no knock on the door for a pickup.  So I checked the status
on-line.  Status was "pickup complete".  And yet, there was the big white
box still sitting inside my front door.  I felt it to make sure it wasn't an
optical illusion and asked my wife if I was showing signs of dementia (she
always says YES, but I don't believe it).  Called UPS, and I do give them
credit for actually paying attention.  A few minutes later I got a call from
the local center after they talked to the driver, and the driver reported
that "my son" had given them the package at the front door.  Now that's
interesting. I still have the box and don't have a son, unless there's
something left over from my misspent youth I don't know about :-)  Wonder
who's package they picked up?

Sigh ... We'll see if they get it right today.


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