[TenTec] Happier OmniVI owner

Steve Hunt steve at karinya.net
Sun Dec 10 14:13:28 EST 2006

I can't fault those folk at Ten-Tec!

Within a few days of e-mailing the Service Department I received a replacement for the "scratchy" AF/RF control on my recently-acquired OmniVI, together with a connector for the control input on my HerculesII Amp. It took a couple of hours yesterday to remove the Omni front-panel and replace the control, and a further hour to make up a lead to connect the Omni to the Hercules.

I now have a smooth AF gain control, and fully automatic band-changing on the Hercules. I can almost forget the "birdies" mentioned in earlier postings :)

The Ten-Tec folk also "threw in for free" a couple of new meter bulbs to see if that would brighten up the display ...... it didn't, but their "customer care" brightened up my day!!!

Steve G3TXQ

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