[TenTec] Omni D?

AD5VJ Bob rtnmi at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 15 22:08:58 EST 2006

Hi fellows:

Thanks for all the replies, here is the latest update. Looks like I am the second owner of a TENTEC OMNI D series B transceiver.

Just got off the telephone with the gentleman and he is sending it as soon as he can get another box to but the original box inside
of along with the power supply, so it doesn't get ruined.

I don't have a mic for this rig, or a keyer, but the rig is on its way. He did verify that he has never used it on CW only Phone and
that it has "very nice audio".

Sending the orig manual (which has a note on front of the manual) that says "series B".

Guess I will need a keyer, since it doesn't have one internally or I could just use my old Vibroplex bug.

Kinda scary, I never had one of these before, so don't know what to expect. He says it is so quiet that it matches a lot of the rigs
today with DSP, but only uses crystal filters. 

Says he has put it up against a lot of other "modern" radios and it hears as good or better in every case.

Guess I will need to get spare tubes and drivers for it.

That is about all I know about it at this point, other than cosmetically challenged meant it has a number that is partly rubbed off
a little near the upper left corner. 

He said he left the plastic on it too long and for some reason when he took it off it took part of the number off.

  73 fer nw es gud DX,
Old calls: WY5L/KH3-KE5CTY-N5IET

FISTS: # 12637, SKCC# 2369
10X# 37210, FP#-1141
SMIRK#-5177, RARS #-149


> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Peg Haese KB9LIE
> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 1:50 PM
> To: tentec at contesting.com; rtnmi at sbcglobal.net
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Omni D?
> Bob, Ten-Tec rigs are super on SSB as well as CW, 
> particularly QSK (real full break-in). In addition, the 
> transmit and receive audio on the Jupiter and Omni D in 
> particular are outstanding.
> The digital Omni C is often referred to as the Omni D. I 
> agree it's confusing. It was the last one in the series and 
> is a wonderful radio, simple to operate for contesting, 
> DXing, and rag-chewing. I have worked many entities and 
> contest contacts on the OM's Omni D. To work split on SSB, it 
> needs the outboard VFO.
> The big no-no with the Omni D is 17-meter operation. The only 
> way to avoid the illegal harmonic is to stay off 17 
> altogether. I believe the rig was designed before 17 became 
> available, and then upgraded. Since
> 17 is one of my favorite bands, I stopped using the D after 
> learning about the problem.
> I started out with a Scout, then the OM's Omni D, then his 
> Corsair II (another outstanding vintage TT rig) and Omni VI+, 
> and got my own Jupiter and Omni V.
> TT rigs can take a licking and keep on ticking. The company 
> will gladly service the older rigs as long as parts are 
> available. They are sometimes referred to as the Mothership.
> If you hang around this list very long, someone will start 
> talk about the TT logo's dot color on various rigs. It sounds 
> weird and means they have nothing else to yack about.
> 73 de Peg KB9LIE in SW Wisconsin USA
> FP/KB9LIE every summer from Maxotel on beautiful Miquelon
> --- rtnmi at sbcglobal.net wrote:
> > I have the opportunity to own a TenTec Omni D.
> > 
> > I see there was an A B C series, I guess this meant they 
> were updated 
> > along the way as the years went by and improvements were made in 
> > technology or major manufacturer flupas were corrected.
> > 
> > I have never owned a TenTec, but hear they are good for only CW.
> > 
> > I know they are older radios (no DSP or late development 
> technology), 
> > so not sure if it would be worth the trade and this one I 
> am told is 
> > "Cosmetically Challenged", which means it probably is in pretty bad 
> > shape, but he says it "works great".
> > 
> > I did a little research and it seems there is a balance 
> between people 
> > who either love them or hate them also heard that TenTec will 
> > refurbish it if I send it to them.
> > 
> > I like to have my equipment in tip top shape inside and out.
> > 
> > If I decide to trade does anyone know if they will 
> refurbish it, or am 
> > I wasting my time and trade equity on a piece of old junk?
> > 
> > 73 fer nw es gud DX,
> > Bob AD5VJ
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