[TenTec] OMNI D?

Chuck Mayfield clmayfield at verizon.net
Sun Dec 17 15:49:50 EST 2006

At 11:11 AM 12/15/2006, hdmc38 at bellsouth.net wrote:
>I've got an Omni D Series B.It's a great rig for CW or 
>Phone.Sometimes the PTO needs service.This is one radio I'll be keeping.
>                             73 Joe K4XZ

Do you service the PTO yourself?  If so, what constitutes "service"? 
I have an Omni D series C that sat on the shelf for over 10 years unused.
the PTOs on both the main unit and the 243 VFO both slip some, but I 
have not idea what I need to do to fix them.

73 Chuck AA5J 

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