[TenTec] Orion 1 & 2 "Talk Power" problem

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 22 11:31:38 EST 2006

Well, if you are happy, I am happy... And what I am going to say is not rebuttal to you, etc., but simply how I see the issue...
  Other than maybe the "drive it till it howls to work dx" issue, I simply do not understand the need...  For those who just 'have' to see the meters on the amp stand up there, change to FM!  Or change the shunt on the meter so it pins on every syllable...
  I go way back... I have tried/used/heard/discarded: clippers, compressors, supermodulators, RF processors, and on, and on, over the past 40+ years... I have a shelf full of what are collectors items... Datong, you name it...
  Do we walk around with a DSP and a speaker for having a conversation with our friends, spouse, boss, so that our voice is loud?  If we did our pool of friends would thin out rapidly...
  Speech has a normal dynamic range, that is the ratio of the peaks to the valleys... If the signal is audible in my receiver and I want it louder I turn up my audio...
  Many of the phone signals on the bands <makes me glad I am mostly CW) are atrocious...  Oh yeah, they are "loud", but so is a jack hammer, and just about as pleasant to listen to...
  And no, I am not one of the 10KC wide, super hi-fi crowd...
  OK, I'm off the soap box, some one elses turn...
  Cheers  ...  denny / k8do

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