[TenTec] Working DX

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sat Dec 23 14:09:01 EST 2006

Hi Martin and group,

I am not advocating overprocessed SSB, in fact I don't advocate phone 
operation at all, especially for DXing and contesting. However the phone 
signal that sounds "cleanest and clearest" is likely the one with just 
the right amount of properly done processing, more likely than one with 
no processing at all. When some is good, more is not always better. This 
is especially true with compression or clipping.


>  a short comment on calling DX with "processed" signals.
> I always work the cleanest clearest signal first. 
> Simply the cleanest clearest signal gets through first - not just from
> operator choice but because they come through the pile best. 
> P.S. HiFi audio is not good for cracking a pile up - too much power
> wasted in the lows where there is no intelligibility.

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