[TenTec] Mobile CW

Larry Menzel retire at means.net
Tue Dec 26 14:48:47 EST 2006

Hello, everyone, Happy New Year (almost)!

John is correct, there is no shortcut for this bit of ham radio wisdom.  It 
just takes time and practice.

Believe it or not, I learned code back in the 70's when I was driving a big 
18 wheeler!   I listened and listened and finally screwed up enough courage 
to strap a paddle to my leg and start to have qso's while driving down the 
road.  Honest!  OK, I only did that on the open road NEVER in congested 
traffic or any road that wasn't straight ahead...still don't, even in my 

Step forward 25 years and I'm still an avid cw/m operator.  I drive 30K 
miles a year with my job as a pension wholesale representative, so I spend a 
lot of time on cw, having qso after qso (bands permitting, of course) while 
I roll down the highway.

Not only is "head copy" more efficient, you can actually do more than one 
thing at a time, because you're not tied to your pencil or "mill".  Just 
listen along, even have a conversation with someone else in the car, and 
still get 100% copy on your cw qso.  Really.

So, practice, practice, practice, like John says...tune in W1AW or other 
good code and let your mind and ear get trained.  Anyone can do it with a 
little motivation.

Good luck, and keep both hands on the wheel.

Larry, N0XB

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "john" <johnmb at nc.rr.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Mobile CW

>I *thought* that posting looked familiar! :-)
> The way I learned to copy in my head, was in the mobile.... there's really
> no other way when you're driving.  Turns out ARRL Code Practice is
> broadcast at the same time my going home commute begins.  It wasn't
> something I set out to do (head copy) but listening while driving was how
> it happened...
> Merry Christmas
> John K5MO
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