[TenTec] Orion II 8 Pin DIN

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 29 14:17:11 EST 2006

At 11:17 PM 12/28/2006, you wrote:
>You have the correct DIN connector.
>You can certainly wire something up a dongle to access the FSK keying lead.
>I purchased an RCA-14 from LDG Electronics and have relegated anything
>resembling a dongle to the back of the drawer.  No more dangling cables, and
>organized access to every pin ..

Thanks, Grant. I just ordered an RCA-14 -- it looks like a very handy 
breakout box for just such occasions.

If all goes well, I'll be using my venerable KAM for hardware FSK. 
There's no longer much application for the VHF side of it, but the HF 
side works well for FSK and a few of the linked -TOR modes. While 
those have all but vanished. I always found the linked modes 
fascinating, especially G-TOR, which adaptively changed speed (I 
think it had three) based on conditions. PACTOR did similar things, 
but didn't seem to be quite as robust.

Ah!  The Good Old Days :)

Happy New Year,

Kim Elmore, N5OP 

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