[TenTec] Orion II Reviews?-Follow up
Eugene Klingler
n8zx at tds.net
Sat Feb 4 12:30:57 EST 2006
ditto.! ! !...n8zx licensed in 1948
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Nason / NA9U" <na9u at arrl.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II Reviews?-Follow up
> Correct,
> Not sure why ancient mode is still used. I realize
> guys built surplus stuff that could only use AM. Give
> me a break, why would any rig today even have it?
> Double the bandwidth and a fourth of the power.
> Despite the decline of licensees our bands are too
> crowded for this stuff. I assumed the version
> intentionally removed AM, why do view it as a bug?
> 73, John NA9U
> --- Grant Youngman <nq5t at comcast.net> wrote:
>> > Thanks to all of you who responded to my posting
>> both on and
>> > off the reflector. Keep those review and comments
>> coming!
>> The great thing about the II is that the number of
>> REAL issues, compared to
>> the kinds of thins that bugged us when the original
>> Orion was shipped, are
>> neglibible. Gary and company have done a great job.
>> True, something in the
>> 2.028 release killed AM transmit, but for most users
>> that's probably a
>> non-event, sadly, due to fundamentalist SSB-alamist
>> religion-based
>> misguidance. Many of you are going .."what's AM" or
>> "why or those AM
>> Morther-Frikers bothering the frequency on 75M that
>> my group purchased from
>> the FCC". But I'm sure we'll see that fixed for
>> those four or five of us
>> for to whom it's important to bug the folks who did
>> purchase 75 and 20M
>> frequencies ... and it works fine in 2.025 anyway,
>> almost ... ok, the MON
>> function doesn't work. But that's a nit.
>> I did call the FCC about auctions of frequencies on
>> 75M and 20M, and asked
>> how much it would cost to buy one for my club --
>> first amendment things and
>> all --- but did't get a positive response. Don't
>> know how the TTOPGGs
>> ("Trailer Trash Over-Processed Grunge Groups") got
>> theirs, but I guess I
>> don't have the right political connections. Or maybe
>> I just wasn't a friend
>> of "W" before it made a difference .... Jorge, ol'
>> buddy, if you're
>> listening, I have started "clearing brush" every
>> weekend ...
>> Anyway, the II is just an overall terrific radio
>> .... :-)
>> Grant/NQ5T
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