[TenTec] Some perspectives on the Argonaut V

Ron Zond k3miy at csonline.net
Tue Feb 7 07:29:40 EST 2006

Don and Group

having had both the Argo V (still have)and the Scout, I can say that except
for low power, the Argo runs rings around the Scout. The VFO tuning in the
Scout left a lot to be desired.


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Don Rasmussen
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 12:05 AM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Some perspectives on the Argonaut V

Just to add my own 2 cents worth to Greg's remarks, I
expect some on the list may be wondering, "Why these
posts about Argo when there is Jupe and Orion(s) to
hash over". That Argo V looks a bit like a novelty
radio, quite pleasant to view I think, but it is a
"real" radio in my opinion. Too bad (for Argo V) that
Ten Tec makes so many exceptional products. Despite
the looks, the Argo V compares more closely to a TCXO
stable Corsair than it does to the old Scout.

Speaking of hashing over Orion, does anyone have any
JPG or MPEG video of the new Orion II spectrum sweep
in action?

[TenTec] Some perspectives on the Argonaut V
To:  <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject:  [TenTec] Some perspectives on the Argonaut V

From:  "Buhyoff, Greg" <buhyoff at vt>
Reply-to:  Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
<tentec at contesting.com>
Date:  Sun, 5 Feb 2006 17:05:33 -0500
List-post:  <mailto:tentec at contesting.com>

I am new here....well, not really 'new' since I first
participated in this group
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