[TenTec] re Centurion lamps

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 9 10:00:41 EST 2006

Rick, thanks for the information on the LEDs.

<<<I am purchasing one each of Chicago Miniature Lamp part #
1860225W3D and # 1860225W3 (from Mouser).

These are listed as drop-in replacements for the #756 lamp.>>>

Thanks for these part nos. Steve.
I would go with the 5W3.  It has twice the intensity (the D in the part no. 
of the first one listed stands for diffused).   These appear to fire 
straight up out of the socket, but it seems to me that it would not be all 
that difficult to construct some sort of reflective hood to redirect the 
light out at the meter back.  The meter back plate is designed to diffuse a 
lot of light from a lamp filament so it takes a lot of LED light to 
illuminate it.

rob / k5uj

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