[TenTec] Orion Ver 2?

rurie@cox.net rurie at cox.net
Tue Feb 14 10:41:10 EST 2006

> Bob,

 I was listening to a Traders net on 3898 last night on my TR-7 as I was working on the Orion.  It was noisy as usual at my location and listening with the TR-7 required extra filtering from the NIR-12 DSP box.  After completing the firmware update and putting the Orion back on-line, I noticed the same thing you did.  After getting the AGC back to the previous levels, I was surprised how quiet the bands seemed.  I flipped the switch back to the TR-7 and there was the noise again as before.  I initially thought it was possibly a mistake on my part by not setting the RF gain and such, but after listening to both the net and the 3Y0X on 40 CW, I'm convinced the new V2 firmware is a winner.  More time to play with it when I get home tonite.
Good luck, Robb N0RU
> From: bob finger <finger at goeaston.net>
> Date: 2006/02/14 Tue AM 06:57:50 EST
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] Orion Ver 2?
> Is it just me and wishfull thinking or is the Orion V2 software really 
> that much better?  last night, listening on 80 cw with the new firmware 
> the band was as quiet as I can ever remember it and the Orion audio 
> sounded really sweet.  EU signals popped in and out no pain, no strain.  
> Was 80 just that sweet last night or did Ten Tec hit a home run with ver 
> 2?????  73 bob de w9ge
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