[TenTec] O -original to OII heil mic adaptor

Henrik oz1ing at mail.dk
Wed Feb 15 15:07:46 EST 2006


Will do. 

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] På vegne af George Kelly
Sendt: 15. februar 2006 19:56
Til: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Emne: Re: [TenTec] O -original to OII heil mic adaptor

  Yes Ten Tec has an adaptor available for about $25 US.  Call the sales
dept and ask for the 4 pin to 8 pin microphone adaptor.  
George K9WWT 

Henrik <oz1ing at mail.dk> wrote:  I have a Heil headset with a four plug
connector that fits the original
Orion. My Orion II is in the mail and I wonder if there is a simple
adaptor available for the changed pin connections.

Anyone knows?

Thanks in advance,

Henrik - OZ1ING

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