[TenTec] Ten-Tec Filters For Sale

RM kamar at inr.net
Sun Feb 19 14:58:19 EST 2006

The following Ten-Tec Filters are for sale: 

(9 MHz I-F Filters. NAR position bandwidth filters for Omni-V, Omni-VI and
VI Plus transceivers. Used as roofing filters for ORION).

  - Model 219 250 Hz, 6 pole CW filter 

  - Model 217 500 Hz, 8 pole ladder CW filter 

  - Model 218 1.8 kHz, 8 pole SSB filter 

Each filter price is 60.00 USD, I'll pay the shipping.


Buy all three for 150.00 USD, and I pay the shipping.

First Come, Fist Served

Ron, NU1U

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