Randy Russe3ll
lord_russell53 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 19 20:11:01 EST 2006
I believe the Mod, though only $15, is meant to be
used in conjuction with the #754 and #755 filters
which go for $110 a piece new. These are 2.8 wide
instead of 2.4 Hhz. wide. I'm looking at Scope
photo of the sweep response on the mod w/filters and
they clearly show a significant difference. Stock,
unmodified, your bandwidth is going to be 475hz to
2107 hz. After the Inrad mod with the #754 and #755,
the bandwidth changes to a 250hz to 2800hz spread.
Inrad will send you a catalog/brochure if you ask them
with this information in it.
--- "Larry P. Greenberg" <wa9mag at ameritech.net> wrote:
> I am interested in purchasing the INRAD Audio
> Modification for my Omni VI+. I understand that it
> eliminates the restricted audio response on SSB and
> smoothes the audio passband ripple. I am wondering
> if anybody on the list has installed the mod and how
> you liked it. It seems to me that restricted audio
> frequency response in a radio would be beneficial to
> DXers and contesters. Perhaps the mod was meant for
> people liking a more high fidelity sound. Yes, I
> know it's only $15 but I would appreciate any
> comments that you can provide.
> Larry, WA9MAG
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