[TenTec] QST AD

Mike Manship mjmanship at iquest.net
Wed Feb 22 12:36:27 EST 2006

Quoting Bill NY9H <ny9h at arrl.net>:

> ron wrote:    bose sued...because of:
> >n extremely negative review on a set of Bose speakers.  Bose
> >successfully sued under a business defamation cause of action which left a
> >'
> having spend over 20 years representing JBL & JBL PRO products I was 
> curious to read about it . I googled  Bose VS and found his son is 
> suing MIT over rights to a "software radio "  he developed on MIT time....
> this could be cool,,,, aside from Bose propensity to sue...
> still looking for the other lawsuit
> bill 


I had heard about the Consumer Reports lawsuit but not the others.

73 de Mike W9OJ

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