[TenTec] Orion II Noise Blankers

Lee A Crocker lee_crocker at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 26 20:10:11 EST 2006

In my experience turning the NR "off" does not reset
the "filter" to some pre-on level.  There seems to be
some hysteresis in the filter at least for some period
of time, and once developed if you turn NR off and on
the "filter" is already formed or at least partially
formed, so the behavior of the on/off is different for
the first time and for subsequent on/off's close in
time to the initial activation.  Also I don't think
the "filter" that develops looks anything like an
inverted U which is what you seem to be expecting.  

My Orion is back at Ten Tec so I haven't experienced
the new NR, but from what I've read it just sounds
more aggressive than the older version.    

73  W9OY

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