[TenTec] Paragon brains gone

C. Mark Cring n8coo at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 2 17:08:14 EST 2006

  This happened to me once.  Did everything you described.   Replaced rechargable battery, still no joy.  Then tried powering  up with out battery connected -  worked fine.  Connected new  battery (while still powered up) and haven't had a problem since:   even when I turn off power supply a week or two it is OK.   I  would try a new battery.  I plan on replacing mine again soon (it  is about 2 1/2 years old.)
  Incidentally, I put my battery in a small zip-lock bag (made for small  parts) and brought the wires out towards the top of the rig.   Hopefully if the battery ever decides to leak or something bad happen  the bag will catch the chemicals and not drip down on the interior  (boards).
  Incidentally, the manual I received from Ten Tec, when I purchased my  Paragon in 2000, says you can use an alkaline or ni-cad.  THIS IS  WRONG! I almost had a disaster.  Luckily  I noticed the  battery (alkaline) getting warm before I put the covers back on and  removed it.  DO NOT use an alkaline in a Paragon unless you have  disabled or know the charging circuit is not connected.  Otherwise  - Use ONLY a rechargable.  I called Ten Tec on it - don't know if  they ever changed their manual.  I know this has been mentioned on  the list before, but figure it won't hurt to bring it up again.
  73, Mark N8COO

From: Ken Brown <ken.d.brown at verizon.net>
Subject: [TenTec] Paragon brains gone
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 08:52:16 -1000
To: tentec at contesting.com

  I was cleaning around the shack and had the 12 VDC power removed from my 
Paragon 585 (not a Paragon II) for an hour or so. When I hooked it back 
up and turned on the 585, the controls are not working and the display 
is not there. I have tried the RESET button on the right hand side of 
the rig, and this does not fix it. I have not yet opened it up and 
checked the voltage of the 9V NiCad memory battery. It has been 
connected to 12 VDC power for a day now, and I would expect that battery 
to have recharged by now. If that battery is dead will the radio not 
work, or will there just be no memory when the radio is powered off? Are 
there any other reset methods I need to try? Hold a certain button while 
powering up?

Thanks DE N6KB

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