[TenTec] Corsair II receieve ant switch

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at qsl.net
Tue Jan 3 20:13:49 EST 2006

Paul DeWitte K9OT wrote:
> Has anyone modified their  Corsair II (or any other model with the switch in
> back) receieve ant switch so it is more accessable from the front? I would
> like to chose either TX ant or RCV ant without moving the radio out of its
> slot to switch between the two. In a contest situation  this would be
> unacceptable and slow.
> Thanks 73
> Paul K9OT

Maybe you could modify the power on/off stitch to operate a small relay. 
You can always use the switch on the power supply to power up the rig.

			Bob WB2VUF

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