[TenTec] Radio Science + QSK = Radar
John Nason
jmnason at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 3 11:03:22 EST 2006
The Woodpecker, by golly it's been awhile....
--- GARY HUBER <glhuber at msn.com> wrote:
> When the Soviets were running OTHR in the amateur
> bands, (which used the HF echo to "see" targets) I
> used QSK CW dits to synchronize with their OTHR
> pulse timing and jam their "B" scopes. As a former
> Radar Electronics Counter-Measures and Electronics
> Counter-Counter-Measures operator, I knew it was
> simply a matter of transmitting a signal of about
> the same frequency, duration, and slightly stronger
> than their "return" to confuse their operators. By
> setting my keyer speed so that I did not hear their
> pulse while QSK at 100 W and by calling HH5HH with
> the beam pointed at the strongest OTHR signal, I'd
> usually hear them go QRT or find someplace else to
> play. Calling HH5HH QSK at the OTHR pulse rate
> worked well until the Soviets started using digital
> signal processing, then it became a "overload signal
> game" with less apparent success in forcing them to
> QSY or QRT.
> By the way my RADAR set back then was a Ten-Tec
> OMNI-D....
> Best regards,
> Gary - AB9M
> CSM(r)G.L.Huber
> glhuber at msn.com<mailto:glhuber at msn.com>
gary.huber at us.army.mil<mailto:gary.huber at us.army.mil>
> www.csm-gh.com<http://www.csm-gh.com/>
> 9679 Heron Bay Road
> Bloomington, IL 61704
> (309-662-0604)
> National Webmaster for:
> The Society of the Fifth Division
wm at fifthinfantrydivision.com<mailto:wm at fifthinfantrydivision.com>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Martin, AA6E<mailto:martin.ewing at gmail.com>
> To:
> tentec at contesting.com<mailto:tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 12:20 PM
> Subject: [TenTec] Radio Science + QSK = Radar
> When operating QSK at 15-20 wpm, I am running into
> echoes of my
> transmissions. These occur on certain azimuth
> bearings at certain
> times of day, most often to the SE, which is over
> water until hitting
> S. Africa or Antarctica from here. I've seen this
> from 20 M to 15 M,
> at least.
> Rarely, I think I've seen long-path echoes that
> come back to me from
> the opposite azimuth. (The SteppIR bidirectional
> mode picks them up.)
> More often, the return bearing is the same as
> transmitting. I haven't
> been able to measure the delay time accurately,
> but it is roughly 2
> dit (element) times at 25 wpm (about 50 msec),
> indicating a 10,000
> mile roundtrip.
> It seems to be a real effect. I can get rid of it
> by changing azimuth
> or using a dummy load.
> My question is whether other ops see this and
> whether it has been
> written up anywhere in "ham space". These are not
> the "long delay
> echoes" that people have claimed to see. The
> radio science community
> does run HF radar to study fluctuations in the
> ionosphere, and this
> phenomenon is probably well known to them.
> The Orion makes a fair radar set, as it turns out.
> 73 Martin AA6E
> --
martin.ewing at gmail.com<mailto:martin.ewing at gmail.com>
> http://blog.aa6e.net<http://blog.aa6e.net/>
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