[TenTec] Heterodyne frequencies within the O2

Ron ron at morell.us
Wed Jan 4 12:48:02 EST 2006

Reporting back with more information on the apparent mixing of broadcast
stations in the ORION II and the detection of those mixed signals.

Following some of the suggestions here as to further testing, without the
mechanical preventions because it has been raining.  I tuned to 3.580 this
morning and listened to a Latin music station overlaid with a Preacher.
Signals vary from S4 to S9 this morning.  I tuned the SG-230 auto tuner at
the antenna for a match at 3.580 and saw no reduction in signal strength and
could hear no difference in the heterodyne signal.  Switched in the MFJ
Deluxe Versa Tuner II, tuned it for the most noise on frequency and then for
a SWR of 1-1 on the ORION, and the heterodyne signal was no longer there.
It was blocked completely out.

Would anyone care to speculate where the combining and detection of these
signals is occurring at this station, given this information?  The signal
appears with a direct antenna connection even down to a 600 Hz roofing
Ron KA7U

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