[TenTec] stable software

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Tue Jan 10 17:37:25 EST 2006

I guess we're all entitled to our opinions, but TT has said that (at
least) version 2.x will be available for the original Orion, so I'm not
sure how you're arriving at your final pronouncement.

        73,  Duane

On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 15:57:09 -0600 "Ken Waites" <BARBIEKENW at peoplepc.com>
> Look at the software for past products.  You will note some are years 
> since update.
> What that means is that that product became "back burner" and 
> nothing new was developed for it.  
> A stable release of software puts it to bed so the limited resources 
> can be spent on the flagship newer
>  product which is where new business will come from.  
> You KNOW you are not going to see  
> something radical for the OMNI 6+ rig -- no matter how sucessful a 
> product it was. 
>  The same is true for the ORION.  The website clearly states that.
> New development will be put into features, bells and whistles, that 
> the faster/bigger computer  in the O2 
> can support,  such as the outboard display they have mentioned, 
> mayber newer DSP code,  . 
> I expect one more release of software  for the ORION, and that will 
> be it.  
> Then it will be ORION II only releases.
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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