[TenTec] Argonaut V Audio

RaySoifer@cs.com RaySoifer at cs.com
Thu Jan 12 12:48:33 EST 2006

Hi all,

Summarizing many of the comments that have appeared on this topic since my 
post, they seem to fall into two groups:

1.  Those whose SSB operation with the Argo V consists mostly of ragchewing 
or casual operating, i.e., relatively strong signals with relatively light QRM, 
would rather have more natural-sounding audio than the Argo V currently 
produces with its 350 Hz bass roll-off.  (I am referring to those Argo Vs that have 
been updated to 1.08.  Those before 1.08 have other problems that I did not 

2.  Those whose SSB operation with the Argo V consists mostly of QRP DXing, 
i.e., pile-ups and weak-signal operation, mostly find that the existing audio 
(again including 1.08) suits their needs because it emphasizes the higher audio 
frequencies that contribute to signals being heard under such conditions.

Group 2 is what I meant by the term "intelligibility."  As Joel and others 
have pointed out, decades of research at Bell Labs, the Signal Corps, etc., have 
established that frequencies below 300 Hz or so do not contribute to 
intelligibility under such conditions.

On the other hand, if signals are stronger, a flatter frequency response 
across the speech spectrum is often desirable.  Thus my suggestion of a 
single-purpose upgrade that would enable those who want a lower roll-off to have it but 
that could be ignored by those satisfied with what they now have.


Ray W2RS

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