[TenTec] Calls??

w8au@sssnet.com w8au at sssnet.com
Fri Jan 13 02:29:55 EST 2006

At 11:00 AM 1/11/06, RaySoifer at cs.com wrote:
>n4rs at iamotelephone.com wrote:
> > Like your call Ray.....Tom N4RS
>Me too.  I've had it for 30 years and I'm not changing it even though I 
>now live in Arizona.  I like yours too....

Gee, Ray, what happened to K2QBW?  I have your QSL from the seventies...
and what about that Sputnik reception back in 1957?  Was it KN2QBW then?
Still chasing satellites?

Perry   w8au   (w8vyu in 1955-75)

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