[TenTec] Paragon Questions,

Lee A Crocker lee_crocker at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 14 19:12:35 EST 2006

I use either a 705 or a Shure 444 mic, both are superb
for the rig.  My Paragon had some problems with the
VFO after some years of sitting and I sent it back for
a tune up at TT.  So if you have trouble that may be
an option.  

If you can't find any Giehl info, I will try to copy
the pages I have and send you a .pdf.  My copy was
provided by fax, by a kind gentleman on this list, and
the quality isn't the greatest so I'm not sure what
another generation of copying will provide, but I will
give it a try to return the favor I was shown.

73  W9OY

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