[TenTec] What makes the 238 good or any other tuner good?

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 19 08:27:37 EST 2006

Hi Roger,

since you seem to proudly eschew the use of a tuner, I'd like to know what 
you call that matching network you have at the f/p of your inverted L--a 
feedpoint reactance remover maybe?

I modelled the loss on my run of 1/2" heliax to my 160 m. inverted L for a 
matching network at the f/p v. if I tuned the line to 50 j0 in the shack.  I 
found that if I put 1 kw into the line in the shack and had the network 
tuning at the feedpoint, I'd gain a whopping 8 watts delivered to the 
antenna  (well, actually 5 watts because the LC network I'm building would 
dissipate 3 watts), compared to if i put the network in the shack right 
after the tx.   I decided 8 watts out of 1 kw wasn't worth going outside to 
the feedpoint for every qsy, or constructing a motor drive and control box 
for this thing.

I don't know how many antennas are actually 50 j0 at the feedpoint in a ham 
band without any coils, stubs, tuners, baluns etc. at the feedoint, but I'd 
prefer to not limit myself to them and the one or few frequencies where they 
are 50 j0.


rob / k5uj

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