[TenTec] Paragon Problem

James C. Owen, III k4cgy_list at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 20 14:24:53 EST 2006

It sounds to me like the noise you're hearing is externally
generated. IE when you turn on the ATT the noise drops. The ATT
is  almost the first thing that the signal sees and if it's
working the rest of the rig is working. Does the noise go away
when the antenna is removed? I would think it would since the ATT
drops it.
What power supply are you using? Is it a switcher? Have you added
any battery chargers since your previous rig? I had a battery
charger that I used in the basement and it drove me batts for a
couple of weeks until I figured out that the switcher in it was
causing the problem.
The Paragon I belive tunes the broadcast band. The signals there
should be well above the S7 noise level. See if you can pick up
signals between 530Khz and 1700 Khz.
73 Jim K4CGY

--- JT Croteau <jt.w6fo at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I assume that power supply is not questionable.

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