[TenTec] Paragon Phase Noise problem

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at qsl.net
Sun Jan 22 08:12:36 EST 2006

JT Croteau wrote:
> Some of my 'friends' who are very active lowbanders are giving me a
> hard time for going with a Paragon because of a phase nose problem
> common with both the Paragon I & II.
> I always though the Paragon had a pretty nice receiver for lowband
> work with decent noise floor but hadn't heard of the phase noise
> problem.
> Could someone educate me on this?
> - JT
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The QST review mentioned a phase noise problem, but when it was reported 
to Ten-Tec, they came up with some mods to correct the problem. Only 
vwery early Paragons would have had the problem, and they most likely 
hav all received the  mod. I am not aware of a current problem. The 
magazine reviews were all excellent. Even by today's standards, the 
Paragon is an excellent radio. Your friends are just jealous!


				Bob WB2VUF

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