[TenTec] Lousy eHam review

Grant Youngman nq5t at comcast.net
Tue Jul 4 09:48:31 EDT 2006

One does have to take reviews on eHam with a grain of salt.  One 2003
reviewer of the Jup (which definitely seems to be a love it or hate it radio
after reading many of the reviews), indicated:

"On transmit to strong stations, the Jupiter consistently got me 5-6's and
5-7's to the [746]PRO's 5-9's."

That implies that either:

(a) the 746Pro has a 12-18dB transmit power advantage, or
(b) the reviewer is an idiot 

Now maybe he didn't know how to adjust the Jup output power, and so  was
running with the setting all the way at the bottom, which doesn't change the
"b" option.

I leave the a/b selection to the reader as an exercise :-)


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