[TenTec] OMNI6+ SSB transmit quality - HELP!

Fraser Robertson g4bjm at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 4 16:56:53 EDT 2006

Hi all, is possible to transmit good quality SSB from this rig?  I get 
reports of muffled audio.  Listening on another RX I know what they mean.

I've re-aligned the driver & pa bias, carrier oscillators etc.  I've 
isolated the mic ground as by design  it shares the PTT ground and digital 
noise was getting into the mic amp.

With a two tone test the signal looks ok on a scope and spectrum analyser 
(products 26dB and 38dB down).

I've tried different power supplies, different mics and audio sources.

It sounds reasonable on receive, to me anyway, and works well on CW.

The rig has the stock filters fitted.  A friend has the Inrad SSB filter and 
says he gets muffled audio reports too.

I've ruled out RF feedback and am running out of ideas.  Any advice would be 
appreciated.  The audio is readable but not crisp clear quality.  (The rig 
is an upgraded Omni6).

Thanks / 73 Fraser G4BJM

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