[TenTec] FS: Nice Omni-VI+, Paragon stations and accessories

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at arrl.net
Sun Jul 9 16:36:05 EDT 2006

One last try to generate local interest before posting elsewhere....

The following Ten-Tec gear and accessories offered for immediate sale:

Station One:
- Ten-Tec Omni-VI+, model 564. Works great. Looks
- Includes: 1.8kHz, 500Hz, 250Hz 6.3 MHz IF filters. No additional 9 MHz
- Original manual
- 962 PS. Looks great. Works great.
- RS-232 cable included
This is a package deal
Will only consider offers over $1400 for this package. Offers over $1300
without three optional filters

If sold without optional filters then:
- Filters $50 each

Station Two:
- Ten-Tec Paragon. Works great. Not a mark on it
- 1.8kHz, 500Hz, and 250Hz filters added
- Voice synthesizer board
- FM board
- Original manual
- Geihl chip installed. Original ROM supplied
- 961 PS. Works great. Not a mark on it
Will only consider offers over $750 for entire package, or offers over
$600 without filters, FM board, Speech synthesizer

If sells without options then:
- Filters $50 each
- FM board $35 (possible buyer)
- Voice Synthesizer board $75 (possible buyer)
- Geihl chip with documentation $25 (possible buyer)

Other items:
- 2 ea Ten-Tec KR1B Paddles (work anywhere but designed to match Corsair
II) Work great. In very nice condition (a couple
minor paint chips on case edge) $45 minimum offer
- KR1A Paddle (wood grain and ivory style). Nice condition $25

Original, nice Paragon II manual $25 shipped

Original, nice Paragon manual $20 shipped (possible buyer)

Pick ups get preference.
In all cases, except manuals, buyer pays full shipping costs unless pick up.

Cash, money order, PayPal, or PayPal Credit (5% fee)
Please No Trades

510 325-7724


Jerry, KG6TT
kg6tt at arrl.net
Fairfield, CA

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