[TenTec] VOX and CW

Peter Connors monotreme at ntlworld.com
Mon Jul 10 04:39:44 EDT 2006

Klaus Heintzenberg wrote:
> Orion 2
> s/n 02C10436
> fw 2.032
> Menu-CW-PTT in CW as: MOX
> Internal Keyer ON
> Choose some band with band-change keypad.
> Set up SSB mode with VOX=ON on one of the  bandstacking registers.
> On the next bandstacking register set up the radio in CW mode.
> Now go to SSB by band change keypad and make sure VOX is ON
> Then press pad to change to the CW band segment. Then the VOX sign
> on the display changes.
> Now tap on the microphone or whistle  into the mic while in CW mode.
> My radio then goes into transmit and puts out a constant carrier at the
> preset
> output power level!
> The only way to shut of the carrier is to hit the main power switch.
> Should'nt the VOX be disabled while on CW?
> Imagine you changed from SSB to CW. Then, while leaving the room for the
> bathroom, you slam the door shut. That may take the Orion into transmit.
> When you return your amplifier may have gone up in smoke...
> Can anybody else reproduce this?
> 73, Klaus (DJ6RX)
Reproduced here with these variations:
Orion 2
s/n 05C10726
f/w 2.034
Internal keyer: OFF

Looks like a tweak in firmware is needed to remove the potential for 
embarrassment. Despite this, although I have only had my Orion for just 
six days, it is already clear that it is a very, very fine rig indeed.

73, Pete

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