[TenTec] SDR-1000

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Wed Jul 12 16:38:34 EDT 2006

It seems time to reaffirm that the SDR 1000 is a direct conversion radio and 
can never, no matter how much software it has, equal the performance of a 
Ten Tec receiver in the Orion.  You can't put selectivity after the front 
end and fix problems inherent to the front end.  That is what the close by 
signal sensitivity to overload is about with DC radios.

I live here and know folks who work on building Flex kits.   They have had 
and continue to have their problems.  They may have open source software, 
and many folks working on those issues, but RF problems, like in any radio 
can crop up from layout, spurious responses due to component changes, etc.

Designing a radio and building it, is kind of like sausage making.  You may 
like the result, but you really don't want to know the process!


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