[TenTec] ORION - dead rx after TUNE in SSB mode

Pfizenmayer pfizenmayer at worldnet.att.net
Fri Jul 14 12:43:36 EDT 2006

No big deal but just curious.  I seldom work SSB but this morning I was 
setting up for a 40 meter SSB schedule this afternoon and found what seems 

 Was all tuned up , decided just for heck of it to press TUNE and see how 
much carrier I got and if that function worked in SSB - (yep it does).

But when I pressd TUNE again to turn off the carrier - MAIN receiver was 

Pressed the mike PTT and RX came back to life - seemed kinda weird . But 
like I said no big deal - just remember to hit the PTT.

It does not do that on CW modes - press TUNE and press again and rx is still 

 Guess I better stay on CW .

73 de Hank K7HP


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