[TenTec] Is Orion really worth it? Given the published problems?

Ken, KA0W cw at ka0w.com
Mon Jul 17 12:46:58 EDT 2006

Hello Wil!

Nothing found ill about my new Orion II. It's sure a
pleasure to run it on CW. It has moved my Pro3 and
modified 1000D out of the best seat in the shack for
my CW operating. I will say it is worth owning one.
Depends on what your looking for. 


Ken, KA0W


--- William Addams <wiladdamsham at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Reading this reflector, those are the questions that
> comes to my mind.
> I am studying to become a ham, working with a friend
> of mine who is a Ham, which has an Orion and an
> Orion 2, and it seems that the problems posted on
> here about the Orion, my friend never seems to run
> across.
> His Orion 2 has never locked up, NR works
> beautifully, NB works great, AN notches out all
> adjacent carriers, and has a wonderful time on
> contesting, QRP, CW, and vox modes.
> Yet, if one were to believe what is posted on this
> reflector.
> The Orions haven't worked right since the version 1
> software of the original Orion.
> His Orions are upgraded with the latest software,
> and all work flawlessly.
> Yes, some values in some settings had to change, but
> that is to be expected given that AGC operates
> differently depending upon if it is in the IF chain
> or not.
> Same can be said for the other "software" type
> features that relate to DSP filtering and sound
> processing.
> But, if I read this reflector on a daily business,
> the Orion is so broke that TenTec will go out of
> business in a matter of monthes.
> I'm sure glad that I had a chance to watch and
> listen to my friend playing with his Orion(s),
> otherwise, I wouldn't be interested in the last
> American made rig and would be looking at the Japs.
> To that end, can some one please identify what the
> specific problems with your Orion are? Exactly what
> HW configuration and software configuration you are
> using. I'm meaning to the point of identifying the
> microphones, the amplifiers, tuners, etc. 
> It seems to me, that upon reading this reflector,
> all but 2 or 3 of the major problems, have almost
> always turned out to be someone has his micro phone
> adjusted improperly, or it turned out to be a short
> on his own wiring, or something else of a cockpit
> error, rather than any kind of real issue with the
> Orion.
> I'll be glad when the ARRL publishes its findings on
> the Orion 2. Undoubtedly they will be smart enough
> to test the rig, and not just publish what others
> are saying on this reflector. And if they do read
> this reflector, they should test those features that
> people say are problems, BEFORE they simply take
> others words for it. After all, lots of problems
> seen on here, turned out to be cockpit error.
> OK, flame suit on.
> Wil

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