[TenTec] Wil's baptism by fire

Peg Haese KB9LIE kb9lie at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 18 13:40:45 EDT 2006

Wil Addams wrote:

I will definitely be buying an Argonaut when I buy my first rig after I
get my license, then, when funds allow, an Orion 2 or 3.



Hey, Wil, nice analysis and conclusion! Two comments:

Ten-Tec rigs have a long half-life. The older Omnis and Corsairs, etc.,
are still in demand by users, not just collectors. The Omni V and
Jupiter fit my operating style very well, except for mobile and travel.

Warning: Sooner or later a color-dot war will erupt and rage on for
awhile. Some TT logos on rigs, tuners, amps, and so on have a classic
reddish dot of varying shades. Some have a plain dot. Hams like to
compared notes ("mine's redder than yours") and it's pretty harmless.
Just means there's nothing else to talk about. If you get a rig with a
plain dot and want a red one, just cut out a little dot and stick it
on. No big deal. You think I'm kidding? Just wait.

Good luck. You'll be a good addition to the world of ham radio.

73 de Peg KB9LIE in SW Wisconsin
FP/KB9LIE from Maxotel on beautiful Miquelon: July 28-August 6, 2006

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