[TenTec] Orion firmware vs keyclicks with Alpha amplifier

Nick T - NT1A jaz at ntphoto.com
Tue Jul 25 11:56:36 EDT 2006

Hello All -

An update on this issue which turns out to be a simple fix.

I have been using the keying loop with a cable that Alpha has
described on their website. It works great with V 1.37X but causes
clicks with V2 software.

I contacted Ten Tec and they told me that V2 contained changes to the
keying waveform and timing.

I removed the keying loop cable, plugged in a regular RCA cable to the
amp out jack, turned off the keying loop and the clicks were gone. I
got clean signal reports now using v 2.056.


 -Nick NT1A

--- In orion565 at yahoogroups.com, "njtnjt2002" <nt1a at ...> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I enlisted a fellow contester / DXer friend AA1CA to do a test with me
> this morning. I have been using my Orion I with 2.056 because I can
> hear a soft clicking and popping artifact in both the internal speaker
> and the headphones when using any of the 1.37X versions.
> Tom lives about 5 miles due east of me and has a top QRP contesting
> station. He uses a K2 that he built and is usually in the top 10 US
> with it.
> I started out with 2.056 loaded and asked him to listen to my signals
> on several bands at 20 watts, 75 watts barefoot and 500 watts with my
> Alpha 89.
> The bottom line, to make a long hour of testing short; he did not hear
> any key clicks barefoot with either software version.
> Once I turned on the amp though the difference was dramatic. Version
> 2.056 was terribly clicky. 1.373b5 was clean. He liked the sound best
> when the rise/fall times were between 8 and 10.

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