[TenTec] Hercules II problem
jac.trademarks at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Jul 28 09:27:01 EDT 2006
Thanks very much for that. If you find more detail on changing the internal
wiring arrangements, then it would be much appreciated. I'd like to attack
all possibilities, wiring and relays, when I pluck up courage to get the Herc
open again for inspection.
I now have a list of things that I might well have got wrong external to the
amp. Some seem unlikely, but they deserve investigation.
The latest check here into a dummy load shows around 200 watts on 10m before
the "overdrive" light comes on as the Herc trips out. But under the same
conditions I can get 300-400 watts on 12m before it trips.
The really odd feature is that this fault is not permanent; it can vanish for
a while, even for as much as a few days, although I change nothing at all
here except my clothes. Other times it might vanish for just a few
minutes/hours .....
So I am not much nearer, but it looks increasingly like I do need to open up
the Herc and poke around.
If only the covers could be temporarily popped off those relays ! If only I
could run the Herc outside the shack, which is far too small to be used as a
workshop ! I once hand carried it back to Sevierville, but since getting
retired, no-one is going to send me on a business trip to TN. Ah well.
Thanks everyone. Any further ideas and/or suggestions will be welcome.
73 John G3JAG
On Friday 28 July 2006 02:13, Clark Savage Turner wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2006, at 1:14 PM, JohnCrux wrote:
> > me. The Herc trips out ("fault") at around 150 watts out on 10m and at
> > around
> > 250 watts out on 12m. Switch off and back on, and all other bands work
> > as
> > before. The SWR remains as before on all meters ( Herc, ATU and
> > external
> > SWR/power bridge. It is 1:1 or very close.
> >
> > But it does not always trip. ......
> ...........
> > Anyone seen this problem (including my friends at TT service, please
> > !) and is
> > there a solution ? If only I could pop the covers off the relays to
> > check the
> > contacts ..... Surely someone has seen this ????
> I've never seen Ten Tec service answer anyone on this reflector, John.
> Give them a phone call and they'll have some suggestions though.
> I've had similar problems with my Hercules II, odd tripping of the amp,
> inexplicable and intermittent. I talked to Ten Tec service and they
> told me about some wiring going around a relay where some stray RF is
> occasionally found :-) I "moved" the wiring around a bit and the
> problem disappeared. I do not recall exactly the relay, I will go back
> and consult my notes to see, but I recall a few wires going right next
> to a relay on a board, I bent them and moved them into a very different
> position. I also sprayed a tiny bit of DeOxit around on the connectors
> while I was in there. It all worked fine after that.
> Clark Savage Turner, J.D., Ph.D.
> Professor of Computer Science
> Cal Poly State University
> San Luis Obispo, CA. 93407
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