[TenTec] Looking for Small Parts

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Mon Jul 31 10:16:30 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-07-30 at 23:54 -0600, W.D. (Doc) Lindsey wrote:
> GE, Gang:
> 1. Looking for an Airpax breaker, to use with an OMNI-C. This breaker goes
> in-line with a power supply, and protects the rig the same way a Ten-Tec
> PS/spkr would. If you have one with which you will part, please let me
> know, thanks.

There were some of these at a solar place we all glommed onto and now
they don't list them anymore. There will be other sources. For my
Corsair II, I've been using a 15 amp ATC fuse successfully. The fuse has
blown before the finals showed damage. A 20 amp fuse is not adequate, a
slow blow fuse is not adequate.
> 2. Also looking for a 1/8" stereo chassis-mount closed circuit jack. Need
> to switch between a tiny powered speaker and a larger desktop speaker.
> Please let me know if you have one you can part with.

Should be in the parts drawer at RS, also from Mouser www.mouser.com.
They will take a small order, but minimum shipping may run $3.00.

> 73,
> --Doc/K0EVZ

73, Jerry, K0CQ,
All content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer

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