[TenTec] internal connectors on OmniVI

k7gt at charter.net k7gt at charter.net
Fri Jun 2 10:43:45 EDT 2006

I have need to connect to the inter-board connections on the OmniVI. Could
an expert on this radio please help me find, if they exist, a clean way to grab
the connections and port them out of the radio. I will be using it, after
conditioning, to grab the full set of band info voltages to control bandpass filters
and antennas. Obviously, I could cut into one of the ribbon cables or 'wire wrap'
the new connection around a pin, replacing the mating connector. But, I would
like to do it more cleanly and elegantly.

No, I have not yet contacted Tentec. I will do so if no one is able to assist
on this reflector.

73  Allan K7GT

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