[TenTec] (no subject)

ac9s at mchsi.com ac9s at mchsi.com
Fri Jun 16 17:59:10 EDT 2006

I received my new Orion II three days ago - it has been a blast so far, but I 
have one question.  I am using Logic 7 for logging and have a problem with it 
reading band / mode data when I log a qso.  Logic includes a primitive rig 
control window and that displays the Orion's frequency, mode, etc just fine 
and I can control the Orion from Logic without problem.  I do note that the 
frequency display in Logic lags the Orion by a little.  Logic does just fine 
with the Pro that I previously used and I am using the same serial card.  Any 

Thanks --

Keith - AC9S

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