[TenTec] Argonaut V CAT interfacing

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Sun Jun 18 20:23:41 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-06-18 at 18:58 +0100, Bob Towers wrote:
> On 18/06/2006 at 11:25 W8KEB wrote:
> >Bob all you need to get the Argonaut V on Digtal modes is the Rascal GLX 
> >interface from Buck.  Do a Google on Rascal GLX and the web site will come 
> >up.  For Computer control all you need is a DB-9 Serial Cable and the N4PY 
> >Argonaut V Control Program.  I have used both and they work great with the 
> >Argonaut V.
> >
> >Ken/w8keb
> >
> Thanks, Ken, but I'm looking for the cable makeup ie which pin to which pin on the DB9 connectors, not a ready made up cable which would take at least 10 days to get here from your side of The Pond...
> Plus I need to get it to run with MixW which covers all the digital modes I run. 
> 73
> Bob
> 2M0KDZ

The standard 9 pin computer serial cable is pin to pin. E.g. 1 to 1, 2
to 2, etc. All we have were made far closer to you by slave labor in
China. After shipping half way around the world they run as low as $3
US. Those cables are commonly used between the computer and a serial,
keyboard, or mouse switch. You have to match the sexes on each end.

73, Jerry, K0CQ,
All content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer

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