[TenTec] Ten Tec Omni VI vs FT-100 vs IC-756PROII
Dave, K2DP
k2dp at charter.net
Wed Jun 21 23:16:11 EDT 2006
HI Bob,
IMHO (in my humble opinion) here's my evaluation based strictly upon
operating experience and not LAB demo testing !!!! ( hi hi)
I have had the Icom 756 PRO II on the table with my OMNI 6+ (Factory Option
III upgrade). I have also hot roded my OMNI 6+ with 400 hz INRAD cw filters
and INRAD 2.4 & 2.8khz SSB filters. I have also added the Inrad receiver
audio mod. Additionally , I use an outboard audio amp/equalizer for the
receiver audio fed to a couple of small RCA (Radio Shack) book shelf
speakers. So, with that said, understand that my standard for good receiver
audio on both SSB and CW is the vernable Collins 75A-4 !!!!!!!
The stock OMNI 6 has adequate receiver audio, but nothing like the Japanese
high end radios, ie: TS-950, Yaesu FT-1000 or Icom 756 PRO II or 775DSP.
Those Japanese radios come close to approaching the nice arm chair/easy
chair SSB audio that I feel the vintage Collins gear provides. I use my OMNI
6+ on both cw and ssb and drive a Ten Tec Centurion Amp with full break-in
on cw, also very nice.
Now for the really important stuff !!!! I am a weak signal, 6 mtr DX'er at
heart. I use the Ten Tec 1208 transverter with my OMNI 6+. I have compared
low level signals on receive on 6 mtrs between the OMNI and the Icom 756 PRO
II on extended ground wave paths of 250-350 miles on both SSB and CW.
Audibly, in the speaker and headphones,. the OMNI 6+ with the DSP button
punched in wins hands down for pulling the signals out of the background
hiss and noise. I also have found that the OMNI 6+ has the most effective
noise blanker when compared to the FT-1000D or the 756 PRO II. For
contesting and general DX'ing, the Japanese rigs may be easier to use for
the following reasons: 1) dual VFO's with dual displays, where as with the
OMNI 6, you need to switch between VFO A and VFO B to get the frequency
readout, 2) true dual simultaneous receive is available with the Japanese
radio, while the OMNI 6+ still forces you to switch between VFO's or use an
outboard receiver (ie: put a Paragon or another OMNI 6 on the station) I've
seen people do that by the way.
I've had my OMNI for the past 8 years and considered the PRO II seriously
for a while last year when they were on sale before the PRO III came out.
Based upon my operating interests, I did not feel it was worth the extra
cost to go the PRO II and sell my OMNI. Of course, the other advantage to
any of the Japanese radios is the general coverage receiver. I have a number
of boatanchor receivers in the shack, so that was not a decision factor.
Lastly, the display in the PRO II is phenomenal in terms of what you can do
with it. The spectrum analyzer is a great tool to watch for 6 meter openings
while doing something else in the shack. There are also other microprocessor
based features such as built in voice keyer, RTTY reader, etc, that are
available on the PRO II.
By the way, my familiarity with the various radios and ability to compare
them side by side on the bench comes from my radio club at work .Our EMCOMMS
trailer has the following line up: a) FT-1000D, b) ICOM 775DSP, c) Icom 756,
d) Icom 756 PRO II, e) Yaesu FT-847.
Either way you can't go wrong.
Have fun and 73,
Dave, K2DP
----- Original Message -----
From: "AD5VJ Bob" <rtnmi at sbcglobal.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 1:07 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec Omni VI vs FT-100 vs IC-756PROII
> Would you guys help me evaluate this choice pls.
> I have an opportunity to have a either one of the following:
> TenTec Jupiter
> As I understand it now has firmware for a tighter CW filter.
> Ten Tec Omni VI
> with option 2
> (factory installed option I)
> loaded with filters
> FT-1000(NON-D)
> loaded with filters
> I have never owned a TenTec before but have been following some of the
> reflectors (couldn't find one for the Omni itself).
> I understand the OMNIVI has DSP and as of the latest firmware update it
> has a
> I realize the TenTec does not have diversity receive and the FT-1000 does
> for pile ups and contesting.
> However,
> I understand the TenTec to be *the rig* for CW ops, but am not sure if it
> would be worth loosing the true diversity receiver of the
> FT-1000.
> I like CW Dxing and CW contesting from home as single op assisted status
> usually.
> Don't really care for SSB unless I am helping out in an emergency or on my
> MARS nets.
> I have looked over the eham reviews until I am blue in the face. I need to
> have some comparison opinions on the two radios from
> experienced operators.
> 73 fer nw,
> http://www.ad5vj.com/
> Member CTDXCC
> 10X# 37210, FP#-1141
> SMIRK#-5177, RARS #-149
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