[TenTec] V2.055 works for me!

Randy K4QO k4qo at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 2 17:22:40 EST 2006

I like the new V2.055. 

The SP control works now.  No more "blooming" between speech.

The NR function works great with V2.055!  My reference was 1.3672 , my 
Orion's original firmware.
When you invoke it, noise is reduced.  What else is there to do?  You 
can even set the amount
of "reduction".  BTW, the best NR function is really just to turn down 
the RF gain and turn the AF up.

I really REALLY wish they'd make the main AF pot "soft-set" so that you 
could set the audio level and
then use that control for the RF gain without having to keep selecting 
the Multi pot.

The AN works really well also.  Tones disappear.  No clipping.  On 
strong SSB signals there is a bit
of a hollow sound occasionally.  Not all the time. Just once in a while.

My microphone levels are about the same, but I understand the reason for 
a level control.  When the radio
characteristics change, you have to change the control to compensate.  
Thats life.  I'm not a HiFi ham so
the audio sounds fine to me - both rcv and transmit.  The Send recorder 
is still a bit hot.  I get some distortion
when recording there.  That could be touched up.

I don't like the RX EQ - it operates like a bandpass instead of a high 
or low enhance.  I'd rather have the
enhance feature like I thought it did in V1.3672.

All in all, V2.055 is WAY better than 1.3672 in my opinion. 


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